
当前位置 > getoff与geton的区别特招线和本科线有什么区别

  • get off和get on的区别

    get off和get on的区别

    It gets us nowhere.” get...off the ground:使……开始进行 “Janet has a great idea of publishing something for her students, but I wonder if she will ever get the plan off the ground.” get on someone's nerves:使人厌烦 “She is used to complaining some other people in my presence; this...

    2024-06-26 网络 更多内容 956 ℃ 84
  • get on和get off的区别

    get on和get off的区别

    get onget off的区别get on是上车,get off是下车。1、get on.取得进展;关系友好, 融洽;变老, 上了年纪;继续做;取得成功。2、第三人称单数:g... get on board.上车;上船;登机。get on with someone.相处融洽。双语例句:1、[with obj.]she bucked them off if they tried to get on

    2024-06-26 网络 更多内容 436 ℃ 607
  • getoff和off的区别


    1、getoff意为“(某天)休息”,getoff表示“停止工作”其中off本身含有“停止,中断”之意。 2、off,一般用作副词、不及物动词,如拿开拿把刀takeofftheknife,也可以taketheknifeoff。

    2024-06-26 网络 更多内容 914 ℃ 508
  • get off和get out of的区别

    get off和get out of的区别

    get offget off意为“下(汽车、飞机、火车等)”。该句的时态为一般过去时,所以get off“下车”用的是一般过去时态的got off;rush“冲”也是用其一般过去时态。该句是and连接的两个并列句,这个男子下车的瞬间就冲向了那扇门,动作基本上是一瞬间发生的,所以都用的是一般过去时,这里...

    2024-06-26 网络 更多内容 610 ℃ 143
  • 与getoff有什么区别


    get off v. 动身;免于受罚;从…下来;脱下(衣服等) 例句:That roof is dangerous, do get off. 那房顶太危险,千万要下来。

    2024-06-26 网络 更多内容 839 ℃ 96
  • get out和get off区别

    get out和get off区别

    d try and get the catalog out by the end of the month. 2)说出[尤指难以启齿之事]I wanted to tell hin I loved him, but couldn't get the words out .get off:1开始旅行,出发:They are planning to get off by midday.2get sth off:邮寄,寄出:I'll have to get this letter off by tonight.3[罪犯]逃脱惩罚4...

    2024-06-26 网络 更多内容 888 ℃ 849
  • 补充短语geton上车getoff下车?



    2024-06-26 网络 更多内容 196 ℃ 883
  • geton和getinto用法什么区别!getoff和getoutof的区别呢?


    det on/off 指的是上/下车 船 飞机 等空间较大的交通工具get into/out of 指的是上/下小汽车,因为空间较小,所以实际是钻进去的

    2024-06-26 网络 更多内容 657 ℃ 600
  • get on ,get off, get out区别

    get on ,get off, get out区别

    get on: 1.上(车船等);eg.Where did you get on? 2.进展情况,(健康,生活等)情况和get along意思相近;eg.How are you getting on? 3.相处得好;eg.How are you getting on with your friend. get off; 1.下车;They got off the bus and walked away. 2.(飞机)起飞;The plane got off on time. get out 1. 泄漏 ...

    2024-06-26 网络 更多内容 449 ℃ 904
  • 解释get in和get on的区别。

    解释get in和get on的区别。

    get on 1.穿上(衣服等);戴上(帽子等);盖上(盖子等):例句:Get on your rubbers,we have to go out in the rain. 穿上你的胶鞋,我们必须在雨天外出.I can't get the lid on,the box is too full. 我盖不上盖子,箱子太满了.2.开(灯、开关等);放上;安上:例句:Get some more wood on,the fire is dying. 再添...

    2024-06-26 网络 更多内容 988 ℃ 298